Hyperbolic Stretching: Benefits And Does It Work?

Hyperbolic stretching is an online workout programme that claims to help improve flexibility in just four weeks. Created by former computer programmer Alex Larsson, it includes 21 exercise videos that you need to perform for about eight minutes every day to see results. It is available in two variants, for men and women, and is self-paced so that you can easily follow the videos at home.

It is unclear whether hyperbolic stretching is more effective than other stretching routines, but it does have positive reviews from existing and former customers. Furthermore, it claims to offer benefits such as improved body posture, reduced tightness and tension in the muscles, improved sleep quality, improved blood circulation, improved overall athletic performance, and reduced post-workout pain and soreness.

If you’re considering this stretching routine, remember to consult your doctor first, especially if you have a history of chronic pain or have had a recent injury. Additionally, if you’re a beginner, it’s best to go for a lighter dynamic stretching session before making your purchase. Lastly, the programme relies on consistency and regularity, so make sure you can stick to the eight-minute routine for four weeks before making a purchase.